Osseous Surgery Near Me

Osseous Surgery In Westborough MA

Call or text (508) 366-8808

At Elite Dental Studio, your oral health and peace of mind are our utmost priorities, particularly when considering specialized procedures like osseous surgery. In this detailed guide, we aim to demystify osseous surgery, highlighting its procedure, benefits, and addressing frequently asked questions to alleviate any apprehensions.

Understanding Osseous Surgery

Osseous surgery, commonly referred to as pocket reduction surgery, is a targeted dental intervention designed to combat periodontal disease. In order to prevent further infection and potential tooth loss, this meticulous procedure involves the surgical removal of bacteria and the repair of periodontal disease-affected bone.

Navigating the Osseous Surgery Process

  1. Initial Examination and Planning: Your dental journey begins with a comprehensive evaluation to ascertain the severity of the periodontal condition, involving diagnostic X-rays and a meticulous cleaning regimen.
  2. Anesthesia Application: Patient comfort is paramount; hence, local anesthesia is administered to ensure a pain-free surgical experience.
  3. Surgical Execution: Precise incisions are made to reveal the roots and bone, allowing for the reshaping of damaged areas and the eradication of harmful bacteria.
  4. Closure of Incisions: After the surgery, the dentist meticulously sutures the gums to ensure they snugly envelop each tooth.
  5. Postoperative Care and Recovery: Following the surgery, you will receive personalized aftercare instructions to support your recovery and optimize healing.

Advantages of Undergoing Osseous Surgery

  • Infection Control: Significantly diminishes the risk of bacterial spread, protecting against further periodontal deterioration.
  • Bone Preservation: Halts the progression of bone degradation surrounding the teeth.
  • Enhanced Tooth Stability: Modifying the bone structure fosters better support and stability for teeth.
  • Oral Health Improvement: Contributes substantially to overall oral wellness, reducing potential systemic health implications associated with periodontal diseases.
  • Cosmetic Enhancements: Augments the aesthetic appeal of your smile in certain scenarios.

Addressing Your Concerns: Osseous Surgery FAQs

  • Pain Management: While some discomfort may be expected, effective anesthesia largely ensures a pain-free procedure. The recommended pain relief techniques can typically reduce post-surgery discomfort.
  • Recovery Timeline: Recovery duration can vary; however, most individuals return to their routine activities within days, with full recovery spanning a few weeks.
  • Potential Risks: As with any surgical procedure, osseous surgery carries potential risks, including infection and delayed healing. Rest assured, Dr. Perry implements stringent preventive measures to minimize these risks.
  • Surgical Efficacy: Coupled with diligent oral hygiene and routine dental check-ups, osseous surgery proves to be a highly effective method in managing periodontal disease.
  • Cost Considerations: The cost of osseous surgery can vary based on its complexity and your insurance policy. At Elite Dental Studio, we offer a variety of financing options to ensure the procedure is accessible and affordable.

Dr. Perry at Elite Dental Studio leads our commitment to ensuring your oral health and providing a comfortable, informative experience. Osseous surgery stands as a crucial component of our comprehensive approach to managing periodontal disease. Should you have additional inquiries or if you’re ready to schedule a consultation, we invite you to reach out to us. Your journey to a healthier smile is a mission we are passionate about.

Ready to get started?

Our Dental Studio

Call or text (508) 366-8808

11 West Main Street, 2nd fl,
Westborough Ma. 01581

Monday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM - 7 PM
Wednesday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 8 AM - 2 PM

Our dentist office is on the 2nd floor at 11 West Main St in Westborough, MA. There's free street parking right in front of the entrance.

American Dental Association
Massachusetts Dental Society
Tufts School of Dental Medicine
Tufts School of Dental Medicine
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